There are various levels of aiming sights that can be added to a bow. An archer’s bow can range from a bent stick to a teched-out compound bow with lasers on it. Some seek the most primal or traditional experience possible when holding a bow. A bow without any sights may earn you a head nod from a primal purist (VERY IMPORTANT). Respect gained. Now what? Enter gap shooting.

Gap shooting is a technique used in archery for aiming at a target without relying on a traditional sight system. In gap shooting, the archer estimates the distance to the target and uses the visual reference of the arrow tip or some other part of the bow to determine the aiming point. The “gap” refers to the perceived space between the reference point and the target.
Here’s how gap shooting typically works:
- Estimating Distance: The archer visually estimates the distance to the target. This estimation can be based on experience, familiarity with the shooting environment, or other cues.
- Determining the Gap: Based on the estimated distance, the archer identifies a reference point on the bow or arrow shaft that, when visually aligned with the target, creates a “gap” between the reference point and the target.
- Aiming: The archer then aims by aligning the chosen reference point with the target and uses the perceived gap to adjust for the appropriate elevation. The gap serves as a mental reference for where the arrow needs to be placed relative to the target.
- Practice: Gap shooting requires practice to develop consistency in estimating distances and creating the correct gap for different target distances.
Common reference points for gap shooting include the point of the arrow, the back of the bow, or other distinctive features on the bow. Some archers may use a combination of visual references to establish their gaps accurately.

Gap shooting is often employed in traditional archery, where bows lack sophisticated sight systems. It requires a good understanding of arrow trajectory, familiarity with the bow’s characteristics, and the ability to make quick and accurate distance estimates. A gap shooter has an intuitive sense of how the arrow will fly over a certain distance. While it may not provide the precision of some modern sight systems, gap shooting can be effective and is a skill that many archers find rewarding to develop.