Tag Archives: what is archery

How is archery scored?

Scoring points in archery is a matter of hitting the target. The center of the target is 10 points. Each concentric circle outside of the center is one less point. the scores go, 10x*, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1. Hitting the target outside of the last ring or missing […]

How to get into archery

There are many advantages to starting archery in a club or group setting.

What is archery?

Archery is the practice of shooting arrows at a target with a bow. The target you’re aiming at can take various forms.  It can be the center of the archery target (the “bullseye”) used in target archery, the torso of a hunted animal, or a soldier of an opposing army. The word archery is derived […]